Peace Corps/Nepal


YDP/Nepal Internet

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NewsLetter - YDP is a U.S. Peace Corps/Nepal Youth Development Project based in Nepal. Click on Newsletter to read lastest Y.D.P. NewsLine. Contact Steve Scafati (SRS), Editor and web administrator with comments, questions or submissions for this web site, click on this e-mail link: E-mail, or to make other contacts go to the YDP Mail Network on the Y.D.P. Editorial page.

Headquarters - To find out all about Peace Corps, click on Headquarters or the Peace Corps logo. Peace Corps Headquarters in Washington D.C. does not hold responsibility for the contents of this YDP/Nepal website. This website is a solely independent publication.

Y.D.P. Editorial - Visit this section to see photo and commentary from people affiliated with YDP/Nepal, use the YDP Mail Network , and access other YDP links. Click on the highlighted link.

"Special Report" - Heartbreaking Tragedy in Nepal..., A Personal Perspective: By American Peace Corps Associate Director Shivaji Prasad Upadhyay. (click the above highlighted hyperlink to see report) *To submit or e-mail any messages successfully from this web site, your computer must be configured accordingly, and should not be password protected. (Please be patient for improvments, if any problems feel free to contact web administrator.)

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